Hello All!

This portion of the website is dedicated to student feedback concerning a course they have taken with C. Ellen Young.* Students are allowed to ask questions, post comments, and give their thoughts about progressing through the Speech Experience!

Thank you for reading/submitting,
C. Ellen Young

*Comments are reviewed for inappropriate content. Any content deemed offensive will be removed and the involved user will be blocked. 
5/21/2012 09:29:28 am

" I believe that this class has educated me so that I will be able to deliver a heartfelt speech to the masses for my presidential campaign in 2028. This class has also prepared me for when I become a general so that I can give a motivating speech to my troops, like William Wallace. If I am ever captured by the ugandan police, I can revert back to this class to come up with a crafty story so that I can be set free. This class has prepared me for my acceptance speech for the Head Historian of the British Museum of Antiquities. Last, but not least, this class has prepared me for the job world, so that I can be successful in my interview."

5/21/2012 09:32:41 am

My favorite assignment was probably the group project in which we reviewed employee profiles and decided who to lay off . It was the most enjoyable because I felt the most comfortable. For some reason, giving a "presentation" feels different than giving a speech, and I enjoyed being able to field questions from my classmates and explaining the group's logic to them.

SPCH 2300
5/21/2012 09:33:31 am

I love the persuasive speech! It was a good opportunity to share something that I'm so passionate in discussing (I'm pretty sure you could tell since I went WAY over my time limit).

1300 S12
5/21/2012 09:34:51 am

I enjoyed and learned the most from our informative speeches. Although I was terrified of speaking infront of the class, it was nice that everyone had different topics that they were passionate about. I feel that if you had not said to pick a topic that relates to our lives, we would have had very boring presentations.


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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2012



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